Tuesday, March 6, 2007

OWA - Page Cannot Be Displayed

Implement the DST (aka: diseased software tick) patches to accommodate Congresses DST Extension.
Multiple target Exchange sites across the US.
Hash out a time line listing the hours you're allowed to bring the servers down - at the approval of the local IT for that site.
We metered out all of our Exchange Servers evenly between the Squad and scheduled a night-time assault.
All together the OP/Salvo (DST implementation) would last a total of 5 hours.

We sent in cover fire to neutralize key check points - this was in the form of a batch file that would shutdown all of the pertinent Exchange services prior to implementation.
Once verification was received that all neutralization was successful - the light went green to send the Squad in.
The plan executed smoothly.
No casualties.
3 wounded Servers - terminal services wouldn't work there after.
The Squad made it out intact.

The smoke settled and from a distance, the first calls of distress came in.
After the User logs in successfully via OWA (2003), the User can see items listed in their Inbox and other folders - but cannot read the content of those items.
If their 'Preview Pane' was enabled, the message read:
The page cannot be displayed - Internal 500 error
If the User double-clicked on an item, the item would open up into a new window and the same message would appear:
The page cannot be displayed - Internal 500 error

Of the several scenarios tested, 2 will be listed:
1.Use the credentials of the User experiencing the issue and test BE & FE webmail access on that same Users login.
Then test on another box.
2.Use the credentials of the User experiencing the issue and test BE & FE webmail access on a different Users login.
Then Test on another box.

Refresh the Users permissions listed on their 'personal object' in AD Mailbox Rights.
CHECK the Change permission (So that the Users' personal object won't disappear if you hit apply prematurely) - UNCHECK the Read & Full permissions.
Click Apply.
UNCHECK the Change permission - RECHECK the Read & Full permissions.
Click Apply.
Bang! That's the sound of a shot in the dark.
User is able to read the contents on their items.

Who the hell knows.